The 61-year Independence of Ghana is meaningless if armed robbers and thugs could raid a police facility kill a man in uniform and free those behind bars and come out successfully.
The 61-year Independence of Ghana is meaningless if thugs could storm an arm of government facility ; a court premises for that matter, obstruct judicial proceedings and come out successfully.
The 61-year Independence of Ghana is meaningless if the week preceding its commemoration a day didn't go by without a serious criminal activity perpetrated and executed successfully on each single day.
The 61-year Independence of Ghana is meaningless if the ordinary citizen is living in fear and gross insecurity due to the incapacity of the police to combat criminal activities.
The 61-year Independence of Ghana is meaningless if our sovereignty as a state is to flaunt armour vehicles and war tankers but we lack little or sophisticated technology and sufficient intelligence to intercept and soil criminal activities in the country.
The 61-year Independence of Ghana is meaningless if a state personified, a year after retirement, which boasts of possessing an avalanche of natural resources gold, cocoa, crude oil, bauxite, manganese etc. cannot exploit and transform these to reflect in the economic quality of lives of its ordinary people and turn its fortunes.
The 61-year Independence of Ghana is meaningless if our country is a favourable Operating System (OS) for apps or softwares such as unfavorable foreign policies to be downloaded, run and installed successfully.
There is nothing so fulfilling and worth celebrating in it! in it!!
Signed : Kofi Sika Deo (C. E. O, Big Micron Family Business)
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